Dresscode - 'Udda kavaj'
Dress for success or whatever you are comfortable in, most importantly bring your happiest mood!
Do contact us if you need tips on local places to stay.
We will serve a buffé style dinner. Do write in your RSVP whether you have any allergies or certain preferences.
Speeches and other fun stuff
Would you get in the mood of doing something extra during the dinner, do contact Pernilla's sister Evelina as she will be our toastmaster for the evening. Contact her via mail at broken__@hotmail.com.
We don't want any gifts, we are just happy that you want to celebrate this day with us. We will however ask for an envelope fee of 200 sek per person to help us fund the dinner and party.
Do contact us well in advance if you need assistance with transportation from the train station or airport and we will do our best to assist you. If you need transport from the party to your preferred stay it is a good idea to prebook a taxi or arrange a car pool with other guests.
Find your way to the venue
Locate opposite to Tynderö Kyrka is the old church school and our wedding venue. In august each year the local community hosts the annual 'surströmmings'party - Oskarsgalan- , a convenient location as the surströmming factory 'Oskars surströmming' is only a few minutes away by car.
Do not confuse Tynderö Hembygdsgård with Tynderö Bygdegård located nearby.
Address: Tynderö 905, 860 35 Söråker
Wedding ceremony: 14:00
Party: 17:00 ca
Nearby destinations
Norra berget
When Pernilla was living in her one bed apartment on Kungsvägen in Sundsvall, Norra Berget was well visited during our evenings walks. Up here you'll find an outdoor museum with animals, beautiful hiking trails and a vantage point with a view of the city.
Fleemarket bonanza
Every summer Timrå and Söråker is filled with seasonal flee markets. We usual do our annual tour of the neighbourhood to check out this year's collections of reused goods. To your left you'll find suggestions of three of the main markets, but do keep your eyes open when you travel on the road between Söråker and Tynderö and you just might find a few hidden gems.